A very important part of The BRIDE Project is knowledge transfer whereby we explain the project and its aims to the wider community and to the younger generations. In June we had two very busy but rewarding mornings with children from Castlelyons National School when we showed them around a farm and explained the importance of biodiversity and the benefits to themselves and their environment when we restore, preserve and enhance wildlife habitats on our farms.
The children saw first hand the abundance of wildlife found on Bride Valley farmland – from bees to buzzards and daisies to dragonflies – when their habitats were looked after and in some cases restored, all these species can live happily among farm animals and crops. The enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge displayed by the children was fantastic to see and bodes well for the future of our local wildlife and pollinators.
Some of the children had the added excitement of being TV stars for a few hours when the crew from RTEs Eco Eye joined them on their farm walk. A big thank you Anja Murray, Mark, Raj and Killian (the Eco Eye team) for their coverage and the great way they had with the kids. This program aired on January 8th 2019. 
